Prayer Vigil for Life
January 22-23
Due to the pandemic, we cannot take a parish group to Washington, D.C. this year for the March for Life but we can still pray for an end to abortion and respect for all life from birth to natural death. “Only with prayer—prayer that storms the heavens for justice and mercy, prayer that cleanses our hearts and souls—will the culture of death that surrounds us today be replaced with a culture of life.” —U.S. Catholic Bishops, Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities
Join St. Hilary Parishioners as we pray around the clock on Friday, January 22 through the morning of Saturday, January 23, 2021 with Mass (1:30 p.m. Friday), perpetual Eucharistic Adoration, a communal Rosary (6:00p.m.), XLT praise & worship (8:00p.m.) and, concluding with morning prayer (9:00a.m. Saturday).
Sign up as a group, family or individual. There are half hour time slots to ensure we have at least TWO adorers at all times. If the time you planned for is taken, please still show up an pray.
NOTE: safety is a priority. First, please continue to follow all parish COVID protocols; wear masks, sanitize your hands on entering the Church and social distance. Second, Fairlawn Police security will be on site for the overnight hours (11 p.m. Fri. – 5 a.m. Sat.).