330-867-1055 | 2750 West Market St, Fairlawn OH 44333

Beth Rado

Beth Rado, Pastoral Associate

Beth Rado brings to her role as Pastoral Minister a diverse background in nursing, education and spiritual formation. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Master of Education from Kent State University and has worked both as a registered nurse and an elementary school teacher. Beth is also an advanced candidate in the diocesan Lay Ecclesial Ministry certification program and has worked as a director of religious education before joining St. Hilary Parish with her husband, Mike, in 2010.

Beth facilitates Baptism preparation, Eucharistic Ministry to the Homebound, Christ renews His Parish Women’s Retreat, Journey Women, and Companions on a Journey grief support.

In addition, she is the staff liaison for Parish Nurse and Bereavement Ministries.




330-867-1055, ext. 206