At The Parish
We have many Social Action ministries that are available without having to leave St. Hilary Parish. Discover the ministry that is meant for you!
We have many Social Action ministries that are available without having to leave St. Hilary Parish. Discover the ministry that is meant for you!
The Knights of Columbus Council #14551 of St. Hilary church actively participates in this world-wide men’s fraternal organizations, which is guided by belief in God, the Catholic church, and in one another. Through key areas of service to the Church, community, council, family, youth, pro-life, and membership, the Knights of Columbus make a real difference to the material world. Dedication to helping locally needy individuals within our Church and community is their primary mission. All practicing Catholic men over 18 are welcome to attend their monthly social gathering.
Time Commitment: monthly general meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month from 7-8 p.m. in the Spiritual Center and are followed by a social dinner.
Contact: or visit the St. Hilary Knights of Columbus websiteL:
Blessings in a Backpack Akron is the local chapter of the national organization designed to feed school children in our community that may not have enough food on the weekends. Each Friday students receive non-perishable food items, such as oatmeal, macaroni & cheese, and applesauce to take home.
Better test scores, improved reading skills, positive behavior and increased attendance have all been attributed to the success of the program.
This ministry began in 2010 providing food for 300 children at Helen Arnold Community Learning Center. Currently, we provide food for more than 1,025 children at the 8 schools – Helen Arnold CLC, McEbright CLC, Bridges Learning Center, David Hill CLC, St. Mary’s School, Crouse CLC, Schumacher CLC, Pfeiffer Elementary School and there is still a need to provide food at additional schools. On Thursday evening volunteers pack bags for the children at Helen Arnold CLC and McEbright CLC. We need volunteers to pack the bags on Thursday evenings, be a team leader, or assist with administrative work.
TIME COMMITMENT: Volunteers are needed to pack the bags on Thursday evenings, be a team leader, or assist with administrative work
CONTACT: Parish Office: 330-867-1055 or
Helping to feed the hungry is the focus of families who participate in this ministry. Parishioners are asked to deliver their homemade or store-bought cookies to Cookie Ministry Cabinet in our Donation Hallway at their convenience. Cookies are needed every week! Families are also needed to sort and bag cookies on a rotating basis before delivering them on Monday morning to the Corbett Center at St. Bernard Parish in downtown Akron where they are distributed in the daily brown bag lunch program for the needy. This is a great ministry for families.
TIME COMMITMENT: At your convenience or on weekly basis
CONTACT: Jeannie Hohlefelder at 330-867-1055, ext. 213 or
Creation Care Ministry works to provide parishioners with suggestions on how to be better stewards of our common home. This ministry strives to impact many areas including, but not limited to: education (through regular bulletin updates to the wider parish) ; awareness (hosting events like the Christmas Light Recycling Collection and the Spring Clean Out Events where all collected materials are re-purposed or recycled); solid waste reduction (hosting “zero waste events”); environmentally prudent land care (advocating for environmentally friendly landscaping decisions); energy conservation (advocating for higher efficiency choices at the parish and school); renewable energy; environmentally safe products (eliminating use of Styrofoam at the parish and in the school’s hot lunch program). The overall hope of this ministry is that we supply parishioners with information to challenge their thinking and help them to make educated decisions about their own use of materials, which impacts our common home.
“I became involved in our Creation Care Ministry after I read a quote by Chief Seattle who said: ‘We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.’ That thinking made we want to learn how I could become a better ‘borrower’ rather than just a user of our resources, so I joined Creation Care. I have learned that I don’t have to change the world but rather my own attitudes and habits to make a difference. I am very concerned and committed to trying to make the earth a better place for those who come after me. I am trying to reduce my ‘carbon footprint’, reduce my use of plastics, recycle as much as I can and become more educated about other ways to make a difference.” Martha Booth
“I’m so encouraged by the work of Creation Care ministry. Through education and awareness, they give the parish and community the power to make a large impact through waste reduction and conservation. Not only that, I love to see the work of Creation Care in the after school program with St. Hilary School students. The children are learning to collect recyclables, reduce consumption in a variety of ways and include others in their efforts! Small changes can lead to a large impact. It’s exciting.” Tina Oelschlager
“I became involved in Creation Care Ministry because I knew the entire mission was really important to my husband and I wanted to learn more and hopefully become more passionate about it, like him! Now that I have learned a great deal I am impacted by the small changes I can make, that encourage me to use our Earth’s resources better and avoid excess waste. I do my best to teach my children about using our resources to their fullest and our ministry has joined this effort by creating a child-extension of our ministry at St. Hilary School called the Green Team.” Katie McCarthy
“I am involved with the Creation Care Ministry because I want to live in a beautiful world in a way that respects the fact that God entrusted it to our care. I want my children to enjoy the natural world for years to come and to feel the sense of responsibility necessary to make that happen. Watching me and actively participating themselves is the Green Team at school helps us all to be better stewards. One way the Creation Care Ministry has transformed my life is by showing me just how many ways items can be reused and recycled. We now have various recycle bins throughout our home to collect paper, cloth, electronics, and mixed recyclables. We are also much more conscious with our purchasing decisions!” Melanie Sejba
Click here for sign up for the July Plastic Free Challenge. Click here for the July Calendar.
Click here for the 2020 Care for Creation Lenten Calendar.
Looking to learn more about how to recycle, compost, and how to live a greener life? Click here to download a how-to document with great tips and information on caring for our creation.
TIME COMMITMENT: Monthly meetings the first Monday of the month from 7-8:30 p.m.
CONTACT: Parish Office: 330-867-1055 or
Providing education on Fair Trade, the group also sponsors monthly fair trade sales after all weekend Masses. The St. Hilary Women of Service Ministry also supports our parish Fair Trade initiatives by sponsoring an annual Fair Trade Market during the first weekend in October which helps support artisans in low-income regions of the world.
TIME COMMITMENT: Volunteers are needed to assist at the monthly Fair Trade sales and other Fair Trade initiatives at the parish
CONTACT: Parish Office: 330-867-1055 or
Each year when the holiday season approaches, our parish assists many needy men, women and children with food gift cards for the seniors and heads of families. The children receive, as requested by parents/guardians, clothing and a toy or game. We receive the names of 1400-1500 individuals from Akron agencies and inner city schools. If you wish to help those in need please take a tag off of the Christmas trees that are placed in the Church and Spiritual Center. Purchase a new gift or gift card as requested on the tag. Please return as directed in the bulletin.
Quotes from Recipients of the Gifts:
Joni wrote: “Dear Mrs. Santa, It had to be a woman to pick out my wonderful gifts. I received everything I asked for and much more. The radio is the perfect size as I have a very little room. My robe was a beautiful color…I am never too old for color. The blanket was beautifully made and the candy is always great. God Bless all of you for the great things my friends and I received. Too bad you missed the happy old faces!!! Love to all.”
Glen (father with a brain tumor) wrote: “…Words cannot convey how very GRATEFUL and blessed we are for people like you. The kindness and generosity you’ve shown my family helps us and others to remember that there are still people in this world who will lend a helping hand to someone who is down on their luck…we wanted to make sure you know how MUCH THESE GIFTS ARE APPRECIATED…There is a special place in Heaven and my heart for people like you!”
Michelle, the mother with a 3-year-old receiving chemotherapy wrote: “Thank you so much for the wonderful thoughtful presents. It has been a trying year for our family. Your gifts lifted our spirits during this holiday season…With Love.”
TIME COMMITMENT: Purchasing a gift during the Christmas season
CONTACT: Parish Office: 330-867-1055 or
Are you looking to participate in a ministry from the comfort of your own home? If you can knit and purl, we are the group for you! Our members knit hats year-round for the homeless and the refugees in our area. We knit from one simple pattern. Yarn is available. You would also be welcome at the Prayer Shawl Ministry meetings on the first and third Tuesday of each month from 10 am to noon.
TIME COMMITMENT: First and third Tuesday of each month from 10 a.m.-Noon
CONTACT: Parish Office: 330-867-1055 or
The homeless prevention ministry helps people avoid homelessness by providing one-time help with rent payment, utilities payment, etc. The ministry’s success rate is nearly 95%, as very few leave their housing once given a helping hand. The ministry works closely with Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority (AMHA), which provides all of the screening of recipients. The ministry also provides financial support to local agencies that work directly with the homeless.
TIME COMMITMENT: Monthly meetings the fourth Thursday of the month at 7:30 pm.
CONTACT: Parish Office: 330-867-1055 or
The Interfaith Justice Alliance is a committee formed by four faith communities: St. Hilary, Faith Lutheran, Temple Israel and New Hope Baptist. Its focus is social justice, based on the principles of Catholic Social Teaching as well as our common biblical roots. This committee plans and oversees an “Interfaith Justice Series,” which takes place during Lent. Its aim is to raise awareness of social injustice in our world through presentations by local and national speakers. The evenings also include a shared meal, a worship experience and small group discussion, which enable us to interact with people of other faiths. To that end, the Interfaith Justice Committee also plans opportunities for continued
collaboration with social and religious events during the year such as Temple Israel’s day of service (Mitzvah Day), serving lunch at Open M, participation in the Jewish-Muslim dialogue, celebrating Martin Luther King day at New Hope Baptist Church, to name just a few.
CONTACT: Parish Office: 330-867-1055 or
We invite all children in the parish to participate in this service club. Kids Care Club is designed to involve children directly in charity and community service. Parents are welcome to participate with their children and help coordinate and plan the projects. Join the Kids Care Club email group to receive notification of upcoming events.
TIME COMMITMENT: A variety of projects take place throughout the year.
CONTACT: Parish Office: 330-867-1055 or
The St. Hilary Respect Life Ministry focuses on establishing a “culture of life” in the parish through education, prayer and witness. The ministry sponsors a fall baby shower collection for local pregnancy centers, a January Prayer Vigil near the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, Eucharistic Adoration and Rosary for Life. Members of the group also are invited to participate in peaceful, prayerful sidewalk counseling through the Cloud of Witnesses on Saturday mornings with neighboring parishes.
CONTACT: Randy Malick at 330-867-1055, ext. 209 or
Also known as the 3% Committee, this group discerns the course of social change in our community. Each year our parish distributes 3% of the parish income to organizations that help the poor, the hungry, or the needy. This committee meets quarterly, listens to presentations from the organizations and discusses where the money should be distributed.
TIME COMMITMENT: Quarterly meetings
CONTACT: Parish Office: 330-867-1055 or
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul assists those in need, both inside and outside the parish community. A monthly collection from the parish is the primary source of funding for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. On the first Sunday of each month, food is collected in the church for the poor. St. Vincent de Paul accepts good used furniture to help those less fortunate. This group needs everyone’s support.
TIME COMMITMENT: Weekly meetings on Wednesday at 6:30 pm and periodic house calls to needy families with another member of St. Vincent de Paul.
CONTACT: St. Vincent de Paul at 330-253-5117 | Parish Office at 330-867-1055 or
As Christian women of faith, through talents and strong dedication, the Women of Service provide service to those in need and ministry support to the parish community. We strive to live our mission everyday through service to the Knights of Columbus, the parish and our greater community. The Women of Service share compassion, guidance and service in a joyful and selfless manner. In addition, this ministry fosters spirituality, camaraderie, and personal relationships with fellow members.
TIME COMMITMENT: Monthly meetings on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. (with dinner to follow) for prayer, planning of service projects and sharing in community of women. Participation allows you to choose and participate in the service opportunities that suit your abilities and availability.
CONTACT: Parish Office: 330-867-1055 or
The Prayer Shawl Ministry is made up of a group of women who enjoy getting together to knit or crochet shawls, lap robes and/or baby blankets to be given to those in need of hope or healing. Members pray at the start of the meeting and visit while knitting or crocheting. Items are blessed by one of our priests before being distributed. A card with a blessing on it is given with each item. You do not need to know how to knit or crochet for members are happy to teach you. If the first and third Tuesday of the month do not work with your schedule you can do the work from home. Ministry members also get together with the Prayer Shawl Ministry from Faith Lutheran Church once or twice a year.
TIME COMMITMENT: First and third Tuesday at 10:00 am. You can knit or crochet from home if the meeting time is not convenient.
CONTACT: Parish Office: 330-867-1055 or
Parish Companions: Helping families separated by deportation
The Parish Companion Program, created by the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Welcoming the Stranger Committee, assists families who will soon be separated by deportation. Many times, parents are forced to leave their children in the United States. They need help navigating the legal process, establishing guardianship, transferring assets, accessing community resources and providing assistance to the children left behind. The Diocese needs volunteer companions to share their talents and support our Catholic brothers and sisters whose families are impacted by deportation. If you are interested in serving as a Parish Companion, please contact Maureen Capellas at or 330-867-1055.
Sr. Rita Mary Harwood, SND
Diane Zbasnik, Director, Cleveland Catholic Charities Social Action Office
Tania Nemer, Attorney, Catholic Charities Migration and Refugee Services
Fr. Matthew Jordan, St. Hilary
The Parish Pastoral Council provides leadership and service for the spiritual and educational well-being of the parish. It serves as a consultative council to the Pastor, oversees the pastoral mission of St. Hilary and models ways of peacemaking through its actions, decision-making
processes and methods of conflict resolution. Each council member is assigned a group of ministries to act as their parish council liaison. Council members communicate regularly with the ministry leaders and present any issues to the council.
MEETINGS: Parish Council meets the fourth Tuesday of the month. Meetings are open and minutes are published in the Bulletin and on the website.
Founded in 1976, the St. Hilary Parish Foundation includes the Unrestricted Endowment Fund, School Endowment Fund, designated funds and The St. Hilary Legacy Society. Donors who have made long-term commitments to the St. Hilary Parish Foundation through planned or deferred gift arrangements becomes members of the St. Hilary Legacy Society.
Like many charitable giving programs, the Parish Foundation seeks and accepts donations in any amount at any time of year. Foundation programs support only St. Hilary Church and St. Hilary School. A board of trustees oversees the endowment funds, investments, and spending.
St. Hilary Parish Foundation Board Members
Edward Carter- President
Frederick Lombardi- Vice President
Stephen Hammersmith- Secretary
Matthew Shannon- Treasurer
Kathryn Dindo
Stephen Strayer
Sandy Pianalto
Fr. Steve Brunovsky
MEETINGS: The Foundation meets quarterly.
FOR INFORMATION: Diane Sarkis, Development Director, 330-608-4787 or or
The Parish Finance Council is an advisory body comprised of parishioners with business, finance, building and other backgrounds. The group assists the Pastor and the parish business manager the administration of finances, maintenance and capital improvements in order to carry out the mission of the parish.
MEETINGS: The Finance Council meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm.
CONTACT: Please contact the Parents’ Association Board at
To increase parish engagement by building bridges, educating and communicating our faith and mission.
It is estimated that only 20% of U.S. Catholics attend Mass each week. The absent 80% are our parents, siblings, spouses, children, friends and acquaintances. Pope Francis tells us that we cannot leave things as they are presently. The members of this ministry seek to respond to the Church’s need for a new Evangelization, which according to Pope Francis, calls for personal involvement on the part of each of the baptized.
OUR VISION: The New Evangelization Ministry is an actively engaged, spirit-filled, agent of change that assists the parish in fulfilling its Evangelization mission.
OUR GOAL: Growth in the number of engaged, spirit-filled parishioners.
“Nothing is more important than the call to share Christ with one another.” Don Allen
“I serve because Jesus has told us how much he thirsts for souls and wants our help.” Tom Hudock
“Pope Francis and Bishop Perez call us to be participating not just attending Catholics. The Evangelization Ministry provides me with an opportunity to more actively live a Catholic life.” Jim Kilcoyne
“I joined the Evangelization Ministry because I believe we are called to reach out to our partners on the journey and share the light of Christ.” Marilyn Miller
TIME COMMITMENT: Third Wednesday of each month from 7:00 to 8:30 pm
CONTACT: Contact the Parish Office at or 330-867-1055 if interested.
Through prayer and reflection, the Stewardship Committee develops an annual plan to invite parishioners to make stewardship a way of life. This plan provides parishioners the opportunity to share their time, talent and treasure with the parish and community. The committee organizes stewardship weekends throughout the year and provides leadership training for ministry leaders.
TIME COMMITMENT: Monthly meetings
FOR INFORMATION: Maureen Capellas at 330-867-1055, ext. 217 or
This advisory body is comprised of leaders from our Social Justice Ministries, as well as parishioners with a strong commitment to social action. The council meets with the Pastor to recommend and plan educational opportunities and initiatives which foster a greater awareness and understanding of Catholic Social Teaching, and hosts special programs throughout the year.
TIME COMMITMENT: Approximately four meetings each year
CONTACT: Maureen Capellas at 330-867-1055, ext. 217 or
An advisory body comprised of St. Hilary School parents, members are elected by school parents. The group assists the school administration and Pastor in making appropriate school-related decisions. The board promotes excellence in Catholic education by acting in the best interest of the students, parents, staff, and parish. It offers input on operational matters, policy development and similar administrative issues.
MEETINGS: Meetings are the second Tuesday of each month. Meetings are open and minutes are published in the school newsletter and on the school website.
CONTACT: Please contact the School Board at
The St. Hilary School Parents’ Association exists to support the needs of St. Hilary School. The objectives of the Parents’ Association are to promote communication between the home and the school, to develop and conduct fundraising events for the benefit of the school, and to provide financial assistance for special projects and needs of the school. The Parents’ Association is served by a multitude of parent volunteers in a variety of capacities, including the school hot lunch program, room parents, annual fundraisers, and much more.
MEETINGS: General meetings are held in September and January; executive board meets monthly. Volunteer time commitments vary depending upon position.
2016-17 Parents’ Association Executive Board
Nicolle Swiatkowski, (President): 330-472-1067 or
Jennifer Towell (President-Elect): 330-701-4327 or
Jennifer Montisano (Vice-President): 330-730-4809 or
Heather Bentley (Secretary): 330-607-2250 or
Anne Luby (Treasurer): 918-724-1830 or