Parish Council Nominations
Parish Council Nominations due April 1
Nominations are being accepted for St. Hilary Parish Pastoral Council (PPC). There are two seats opening this year! PPC functions as an advisory board and representation of the parishioner population to Fr. Steve. Serving on Parish Council is a wonderful way to grow in faith, learn about the ministries available at St. Hilary, and an opportunity to shape the future vision and goals of our parish.
In addition to serving as a conduit between Parish Council and our many ministries, the scope of Council’s discussion includes:
Identifying the needs of the parish,
Planning how to meet those needs,
Setting goals for the parish and ways to meet those goals, and
Evaluating our progress in light of those goals.
Council meetings are held 10 times a year on the fourth Tuesday, 7-9 p.m. Members normally serve a three-year term and may serve no more than two consecutive terms. To qualify as a Parish Council candidate, nominees must meet the following requirements: (1) Must be an active and registered parishioner of St. Hilary Parish, (2) Must be 18 years or older, (3) Must be in full communion with the Church, (4) Able to work collaboratively with others, (5) Only one household member can be on Parish Council at one time.
The deadline for nominations is April 1, 2025. All nominees are invited to attend the April 22, 2025 Parish Council meeting to observe the council in action. New members will be selected through a process of discernment during the May meeting. New Council members will then be invited to attend the June 24 meeting where they will be commissioned for their term which will begin with the August meeting.
Nominations for Parish Council should be submitted to Father Steve at Parishioners are encouraged to nominate themselves or others. Please provide (1) full name, (2) phone number, and (3) email address of the nominee.
Click here for the application or pick up a paper copy in the Parish Office.
Please prayerfully consider this call to serve your parish community and submit your nomination by April 1!