330-867-1055 | 2750 West Market St, Fairlawn OH 44333

St. Hilary Parish Foundation

St. Hilary Parish Foundation

How much do you love our Parish?  Our School?  During this month when love reigns, show your love by supporting the Foundation that supports them!  The St. Hilary Parish Foundation aids the St. Hilary community by funding a myriad of tangible and intangible needs such as capital improvements, scholarships and tuition assistance, and a slate of smaller items and amenities that keep our Parish and School operating at top-notch levels.  Donor backing is vital to continue to make the Foundation a viable entity and enable it to fund Parish and School needs well into the future.  There are funds earmarked for many specific areas you may be passionate about, and no donation is too small!  To learn more or donate, please visit https://www.sthilaryfoundation.org/ or call Diane Sarkis, Executive Director, at 330-608-4787.