Catholic Social Teaching Survery

Catholic Social Teaching Survery

The seven principles of Catholic Social Teaching are often called the best kept secret of our church. It’s not that we Catholics don’t do lots of things in terms of outreach and advocacy. It’s just that we are not as familiar with what the American Bishops have had to say about our what our priorities should be when working for a just world. To that end, a newly re-forming “Journey Together for Justice” committee has created a survey based on the above seven principles. Its purpose is two-fold: to discover your understanding and interest in Catholic Social Teaching, and to invite a younger generation of Catholic Christians to get involved in doing God’s work of justice in our world.

If you are interested in learning more about these issues, or joining together in action to address them, please complete the survey at the link below. If you have any questions, please contact Maureen Capellas at Thank you for your time!

Click here to take the survey.

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