330-867-1055 | 2750 West Market St, Fairlawn OH 44333

Congo Collection

Congo Collection

Special Collection next weekend—August 31 & September 1
Help us Build the Future for the Children of St. Hilary School of the Congo!

On the weekend of August 31 and September 1, we will again ask for your support with the Building the Future program in the Congo. The collection will help with the ongoing effort for education for the children and to provide the necessary machinery to help build a better life for the adults and their children.

In September of 2020, St. Hilary Parish and School began working with Gaspard Nzita from the Democratic Republic of the Congo to build a sister school—St. Hilary School of the Congo, in the territory of Tshala. Over the past four years the school has been built and many additions have been added to facilitate the teaching of carpentry, building, sewing, grinding and building the machinery that aids in the making of bricks, flour, oil, soap, etc. With your donations last year, computers with screens were purchased and 18,000 videos have been set up in French to teach the children from kindergarten, high school and into the university levels. With your generous donations, we also were able to begin the building of a much needed hospital/clinic that is a mile from the school.  St. Hilary School of the Congo is now the center of education and the connection of the schools in eight sectors in Tshela.

Gaspard tells us that God has promoted this vision and the seed of love and kindness has been planted by our parish. St. Hilary is changing lives! You are brining local communities together and helping the people of Tshela to start their own businesses and provide for their families.

Please consider a donation next weekend, August 31 and September 1 to help to shape the lives of the students and families at the St. Hilary School of the Congo!