330-867-1055 | 2750 West Market St, Fairlawn OH 44333


Interfaith Justice Alliance Series

Journey women is coming!Monday, January 27 When our days are filled with many distractions, stepping away for quiet time can be rejuvenating! Women of all ages are invited to share in a time of retreat, reflection and fellowship. Journey Women will be meeting on Monday, January 27 from 10 am to 2 pm in the Lower Level […]

St. Bernard Hunger Center

St. Hilary volunteers will prepare and serve sit-down meals for guests at St. Bernard Hunger Center on Sunday, March 16 from 3:30 – 7:00 pm.  Students must be 16 years old and accompanied by a parent (at least the first time that they volunteer). We also need cookies/baked goods for dessert.  Please deliver them to the St. Hilary Parish kitchen by noon on […]

Parish Council Nominations

Parish Council Nominations due April 1 Nominations are being accepted for St. Hilary Parish Pastoral Council (PPC). There are two seats opening this year! PPC functions as an advisory board and representation of the parishioner population to Fr. Steve. Serving on Parish Council is a wonderful way to grow in faith, learn about the ministries […]

Lenten Soup Suppers

Join us for St. Hilary Lenten Soup Suppers! March 7 & 28 “New!” St Hilary Lenten Soup Suppers will be held in the gathering area on two Fridays in Lent: March 7 & 28. Enjoy fellowship & food from 5-6:30 p.m. before Stations of the Cross in the church at 7 p.m. Come as you are […]

Creative Hands Craft Day

Women of Service – Creative Hands Craft Day St. Hilary Women of Service are hosting a one day come and craft day. Bring a craft of your choice: painting, sewing, knitting, crocheting, scrap booking, doting, quilting, jewelry making, cross stitch, stamping, rosary making, embroidery, to show others and share your talent. We will provide a […]

St. Hilary Parish Foundation

How much do you love our Parish?  Our School?  During this month when love reigns, show your love by supporting the Foundation that supports them!  The St. Hilary Parish Foundation aids the St. Hilary community by funding a myriad of tangible and intangible needs such as capital improvements, scholarships and tuition assistance, and a slate […]