330-867-1055 | 2750 West Market St, Fairlawn OH 44333

Vacation Bible School

St. Hilary Vacation Bible School
June 19-21, 2024

St. Hilary’s VBS is a whole family faith-filled adventure as we take a Radical Ride on the Wings of Prayer! Mom and Dad, too, along with younger siblings can share their faith with their kids and other adults! Children ages 4 years old through grade four can register as CAMPERS. Younger children can tag along with parents with their older siblings to many of the stations that you can experience together. There will also be dedicated times for adults to have community and gather as well!

VBS Schedule:
+ Wednesday, June 19 & Thursday, June 20: 6-8:15 PM
+ Friday, June 21: 5:30 PM-8:30 (includes dinner)
+ Saturday, June 22: 4 PM Mass Takeover

Registration NOW OPEN!

To register your family, please complete the steps below.

  • PART 1: Family/Child Registration & Media Consent Forms (1 per family).
  • PART 2: Emergency Medical Form (1 per child).
  • PART 3: Tuition is $30 per family; cash, check, or Venmo accepted.
    • Please write checks payable to “St. Hilary VBS.” You can mail your tuition to the parish with the attention of VBS or hand deliver to the locked drop box on the
      Religious Education Office door.
    • Venmo us at @StHilary-Parish (or scan the QR code below) and be sure to note “VBS”.
    • Tuition assistance is available for those who request it. Please contact
      the Religious Education Office; email Meghan Tuck, mtuck@sthilaryparish.org.

Looking to Volunteer at VBS?

We are looking for youth and adults volunteers to help make VBS a success! If you are interested in volunteering, please click the links below.

Youth Volunteer Form

Adult Volunteer Form